Licensing and Branding

MVG provides three different options for
patent and software licensing of our UV CIPP technology.

Option 1

Non- exclusive implied license – for companies interested in wet out of their own liner and purchasing premade dry liner.

Premade dry liner in all sizes and thicknesses certified polyester/vinyl ester and non-VOC UV resins. Training and consulting, service and support.

Option 2

Non-exclusive license – for companies interested in making their own liner and the wet out of their own liner.

All raw materials, including inner foil, outerfoil fleece, glass, and additional materials. Certified polyester vinyl ester and non-VOC UV resins. Training and consulting, service, and support.

Option 3

Exclusive license – Reserved for international customers only.

MVG provides branding options for their clients.



An open option for companies interested in branding their own trade name.